Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

In Axsy Smart Forms the File Upload Element supports upload of:

  1. Images
  2. Documents
  3. Videos

When these file types  are synchronised back to Salesforce they will be found inline with the Form Response as well as being listed in File section of the Form Response related list.

Additionally, the Smart Form Designer allows any File Upload content to be included on the related list of the currently mapped Salesforce object.

File Upload Elements not in a Mapped Repeating Section or a Mapped Loop

Elements not in a mapped Repeating Section or a mapped Loop are mapped to the object used to run the Smart Form (the Running Record), in the example below the Running Record is the Account object, the Smart Form configuration and corresponding mapping configuration are shown in the figures below.

Smart Form Running Record Type Configuration (found in the Smart Form Config header)

Corresponding File Upload File Mapping Configuration

Note: If the Attach file to the Form running record? toggle is selected but no mapping is specified, then no files will be listed on the related list of the object running the Smart Form – i.e., the toggle is ignored.

File Upload Element Inside a Mapped Repeating Section or a Mapped Loop

Repeating Sections and Loops both support mappings if either (but not both) are used to extend the mapping form a parent object to a child object then the mapping configuration must be configured to reflect child object. See example below where the parent Account object uses a mapped Repeating Section to the child Contacts object.


Smart Form Running Record Type + Repeating Section Mapping

Corresponding File Upload File Mapping Configuration

Note: Although a mapped Repeating Section is used in the above example, if a mapped Loop was used instead of the mapped Repeating Section the File Upload element configuration would be identical.

File Upload Elements Inside a Mapped Repeating Section and a Mapped Loop

File Upload Elements inside both a mapped Repeating Section and a mapped Loop to enable mapping to a grand-child object must be configured to reflect grand-child object. See example below where the parent Account object uses a mapped Repeating Section to the child Contact object and a mapped Loop extends the mapping to the grand-child  Case object.



Smart Form Running Record Type + Repeating Section Mapping + Loop Mapping

Corresponding File Upload File Mapping Configuration