Available in:

  1. Pre Axsy Summer '24: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution
  2. Summer '24: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce

The Axsy Mobile App can be configured to periodically report geo-location information for its user. When this is enabled for users, the Map tab then provides your back office with a way to visualise and track the locations of those users throughout the day.

The Map tab is accessed by navigating to the Home tab of the Axsy Mobile app in the Salesforce Web UI and then selecting the Map tab.

Selecting Date & Time for Display

Users and their location are displayed on a map with their profile picture and an inverted-drop icon. To select the timeframe to display:

  • Select a day from the date picker
  • User the horizontal slider to move through the hours of the selected day

Filtering Users to Display

To the right of the map will be a list of any users who had their geo-location recorded for the current day. Select or de-select the checkbox next to a user to show them on the map. The Show all option provides a quick way to select or de-select all listed users.

The name filter box is available to help find a particular user in the list. As you type in the box, the list will filter down to only users whose first name, last name or user ID match the entered text.

Viewing Exact Geo-Location Coordinates

Hovering over a user's icon on the map will display the exact date and time that user's location was recorded. Clicking their icon on the map or their name in the user list will additionally bring up more information about the exact latitude and longitude that was recorded.

Configuring Location Event Frequency and Retention

How often geo-location event information is reported by the Axsy Mobile App is configurable. How long that geo-location event information is kept on the Salesforce Platform is also configurable.

Geo-Location Event Frequency

How often the Axsy Mobile App will report a user's geo-location is configurable in the Axsy Config Tool: 

  1. Navigate to the Global tab in the Axsy Config Tool.
  2. Select the General option on the side menu.
  3. Select a frequency from the Geo-tracking Options drop-down list. Select No tracking to disable geo-location tracking.

Please see this article for more information on configuring the Global > General settings of the Axsy Mobile App: General Settings

NOTE: Even if geo-tracking is enabled in the Axsy Config Tool, a user must have location permissions enabled for the Axsy Mobile App for it to be able to report their location information. 

When modifying location permissions on Windows devices, the Axsy Mobile App may require being completely closed and re-launched for the updated permissions to take effect.

Geo-Location Event Retention

The geo-location event data which is used with the Axsy Map Console is only stored for a limited amount of days before it is deleted. The custom setting Axsy Admin > Mobile_Location_Expiry_Days__c is used to set how many days that data is retained. The default value for this custom setting is 7 days and a value of 0 disables automatic deletion of geo-location events.