Available in:

  1. Pre Axsy Summer '24: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution
  2. Axsy Summer '24: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce

Initial Sync and App Session Metrics

The App Sessions tab provides metrics for initial sync that can be filtered by:

  1. Start and end Dates
  2. Individual users
  3. User profiles
  4. Mobile App versions
  5. Config versions
  6. Config scopes
  7. Device IDs
  8. Operating systems
  9. OS versions

With the exception of the start and end date filters, all the filters support multiple value selection – this is illustrated in the screenshot above.

Once any filters have been applied, the number of resulting App Sessions will be listed along with the associated number of Initial Sync events. Across those found initial sync events, metrics will be displayed showing:

  1. The average number of records per initial sync
  2. The average number of API requests sent to Salesforce per initial sync
  3. The average time duration per initial sync
  4. The average number of long duration API requests sent to Salesforce per initial sync

NOTE: The app session data used as source for the initial sync metrics is only stored for a limited duration before being deleted to free up storage.

The custom setting Axsy Admin > Days to keep login session data is used to control how many days data is retained - the default is 30 days.