Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce (from Summer '24)

The Settings tab of the Axsy Mobile app in the Salesforce web UI provides access to the Axsy Config Tool which is used for configuring the behaviour of the Axsy Mobile App. The Global tab for the Axsy Config Tool is where various global app settings are defined.

Mobile Feature Set

If Enable Mobile Feature Sets is unchecked then the Axsy Mobile app will use its default mobile feature set - this will be for the last Axsy major release.

If Enable Mobile Feature Sets is checked then the Active Feature Set indicated directly below will be used - this will be for the most recent Axsy major release or a preview of a the next Axsy major release.

Before changing the Mobile Feature Set and experiencing the new features and fixes in the feature set, Axsy strongly recommends only making this change to a limited scope of test users only.

To review and change the Active Feature Set, click on the spy-glass to the right of the current Active Feature Set to reveal the feature sets available in your org. You can pick from the list the of feature sets, click Activate and Close, then save and publish your config to your chosen scope of users.

Users will receive the Active Feature Set after they logout and log back into their Axsy Mobile apps.

If you provide Notification Text then users will receive a banner screen informing them of the change, see screenshot below.

If Show detailed version information is unchecked then in the Axsy Mobile app SettingsAbout ➔ Version information, the version shown will be of the active feature set.

if Show detailed version information is checked then in the Axsy Mobile app SettingsAbout ➔ Version information, the version shown will be of the active feature set and the version number of the Axsy Mobile app.